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Hi !I'd like to take a minute to introduce myself and give you a little background leading up to the formation of this Site.
My name is Jerry Haendiges. I became re-interested in old radio programs in the late 1960's after listening to a "Inner Sanctum Mysteries" program included as part of a new program talking about sound effects during the golden days of radio. This brought up instant visions and memories of days gone by when as a young boy I was under my covers at 10:15 pm (way past my bed time) listening to broadcasts of "I Love a Mystery" aired on radio station KHJ in Los Angeles. I had rigged up a table radio with an old telephone receiver and had put masking tape around all of the openings in the radio, so that the light emanating from the tubes could not be seen by my parents. There I was ... immediately immersed in adventure with Jack, Doc and Reggie again. Boy! What Memories!
I began checking out the local radio stations to see if they might, per chance, have any of these programs left ... they did. And so my collection began. I got ahold of an old Thorens 16" turntable and started recording on an old Revere recorder my dad bought in 1948. As a side-note, I just recently discovered some of the old tapes I had recorded back in 1950 while going through my dad's things shortly after his death. It didn't take long to realize this was going to be more than just a passing fancy and so I went out and purchased some high quality recording equipment. The highest sound quality I could obtain became a priority and obsession.
After I had built up a collection of several hundred programs, I felt everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy these shows as much as I was. I approached some local radio stations with an Old-Radio format in mind. Much to my surprise, they were very much interested in the idea.
In the early 1970's, I began programming for several local stations including KPFK, KCRW, KCSN and KPBS. At first I worked strictly behind the scenes doing the programming and engineering. Later I was asked to step in as the host, announcer and narrator. I found I had a strong bond with my radio audience. I continued for about 10 years, syndicating the program around the country, until the business pressures of my company forced me to stop.
In 1973, I was approached by a wonderful gentleman Jim Coontz about starting an organization dedicated to preserving old radio forever. Jim, Kevin Stern (who was announcing one of my shows at the time), and I formed an organization called 苹果怎么浏览国外的网站 (The Society to Preserve and Encourage Radio Drama Variety). Many of you are members of this organization. It has grown way beyond the visions of it's three founders. If interested in joining click on the SPERDVAC link or call 562-947-9800.
There have been a great many friends I've met over the years who have helped me in this venture. There are way too many to list here, but I would like to mention a few of my "Special Friends"
I've already mentioned Jim Coontz, but I want to again thank him for all of his fine work on behalf the hobby. Tom Elkins and I have had many good times in the past and he is responsible for uncovering many excellent sources for me along with being a very close friend. Glen Mueller put in countless hours listening to my shows and giving me descriptions of them and correcting incorrect information. The late Roy Hooper for discovering some really rare shows. 手机翻国外网站教程 for providing what I consider the finest dubbing talent in the world. Chris Lembesis for his extensive knowledge of radio and help in dubbing programs.
Now for some Very Special friends ...
Randy Eidemiller has been a very good and close friend for many years. Randy's vast knowledge and expertise in Science Fiction has helped me out on many occasions. I remember one time especially in 1976 when I interviewed Ray Bradbury. I took Randy with me and he was able to give me great insight on Ray's works where I was quite weak.
Last, but far from least, John Gassman and Larry Gassman. John and Larry are twins who have been blind from birth. Not only have they not allowed their blindness to be a handicap, I have one heck-of-a-time trying to keep up with them. They are my closest and dearest friends in the hobby. We became friends well over 20 years ago and have remained such ever since. We see each other every week and sometimes several times a week. This is facilitated by the fact that they live quite close to me. I am continually amazed at their knowledge ... virtually all of which is committed to memory (heck, I have a hard time remembering what some one said to me 10 minutes ago). They Have been hosting the best anthology show on the air for many years. The show airs Sundays on KPCC (Pasadena) from 5:00 - 7:00 pm called: Same Time, Same Station. It makes me feel good to know that when I gave up my programming, it would fall into such capable hands. Please visit John and Larry at their Home Page.
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Vintage Radio Logs Well over 500 Logs of Episodic Listings for Several Thousand Old Radio Programs taken from my personal collection of over 80,000 programs.
Purchase Radio Programs from Jerry Haendiges Productions.
  or  Â
You may Purchase Old Radio Programs on CD, Cassette, Reel to Reel tape, Dat and Videotape here. We also Restore poor quality audio recordings.
OTR Articles You will certainly want to visit this one. Here you will find many articles written with the sole intent of helping out the OTR collector, along with some very interesting interviews. .. iphone手机如何上外网
The Olde Tyme Radio Network
Here, by way of RealAudio, You may listen to some complete current radio broadcasts being aired outside of your listening area. For instance, John and Larry Gassman's "Same Time, Same Station" and Tom Heathwood's "Heritage Radio Classics Theatre" Once you start these broadcasts, you may listen to them as you tour the rest of my Site. You must have RealAudio 5.0 or higher installed on your computer.
Old Time Radio Programs -- Preview Listening Lounge
Here you may preview, using RealAudio, sound clips from a variety of different programs. A few of these will be standard programs known and enjoyed by all of you. Most will be unique shows and most likely will be new to you. This area is designed to acquaint you with a wide variety of programs. Once you start the programs, you may listen to them as you tour the rest of my Site. You must have RealAudio 5.0 or higher installed on your computer.
Commercial Radio Logs. Where you may purchase fantastic series outlines.
OTR Collectors Corner Where small to moderate collector's may post their collections to trade with other collector's. A great way to get your collections started and growing.
Jerry Haendiges' Home Page Pictures of my wife, granddaughters, and me. Also my address and phone number.
The History of how and why "The Vintage Radio Place" was formed.
The Old Time Radio Clubhouse Lists of OTR Clubs and organizations, along with addresses and e-mail contacts.
国内ios如何使用youtube There is a party going on with the express purpose of honoring one of the great friends of OTR collectors, Jack French. Come on in - you're invited!
Upcoming Events. Various OTR functions around the country
In Memoriam! Unfortunately, OTR artists are at the stages in their lives when we are losing them rapidly. This area is an obituary notification and tribute to the artist.
iphone怎么永久上外国网站 Jack Mann, known for his iphone上国外的网站 has put together a marvelous article designed to help standardize OTR trading.
The California Artists Radio Theatre. Under the direction of veteran actress Peggy Webber, along with your favorite actors of Radio and Television, bring New Radio broadcasts to the airways
Radio Stations currently broadcasting OTR Courtesy of Lou Genco.
John & Larry Gassman's Page
Same Time, Same station KPCC OTR program schedule
Chuckle of the Week! The Name Says It All!
Many Sources, Lists and Links. This is a Must-See site. Masterfully put together by Lou Genco, it is positively the Premiere "Old Radio Site" ... Don't miss it!
Radio Days. Excellent site by Jim Widner. Jim is a writer who has helped me (and the OTR collector) by providing updated information for my site. He provides history and insight into several OTR programs ... along with many Sound Clips
The Official SPERDVAC Home Page This is actually a Site … Excellently Perceived, Designed, Constructed and Maintained by Web Master Richard Novak, long time OTR enthusiast and SPERDVAC volunteer. On the site you will find terrific articles originally published in SPERDVAC's monthly newsletter, The RadioGram. There are several pictures of OTR personalities and sound bytes. Richard has just installed an on-line registration form with which you may submit a membership application. 国内ios如何使用youtube is probably the best source for 电脑怎么浏览国外网站:2021-6-13 · 用VPN.在我的百度空间有一款,你看看,个人一直在用,速度不错,有6个IP可选,建议先不买,免费用用先,好的再买.包年的话会比包月划算好多,电脑,手机IPHONE,上Facebook,推特等国外网站或者国外游戏服务器加速都可伡了上.当然免费的也可伡用到手机上的.呵呵. Tell 'em Jerry sent you!
The Old-Time Radio Bulletin Board This is a wonderful area dreamed up by Lou Genco in which visitors submit any kind of OTR question for the world to see. Someone invariably will give you an answer, or at least give you a hot lead to pursue
Jack Mann's Killer List of OTR Web Sites: This should give you a link to anywhere you would ever want to go in search of OTR. Man alive, Jack has really done an exhaustive job on this list.
David Hassell's OTR Menu This is really a unique site. David writes some neat works, some of which I have stolen to post in my "Chuckle of the Week" section. One area I really enjoy reading is something David calls 苹果怎么浏览国外的网站 All of us collectors have shows we've never heard, right? Well, David is solving that problem by methodically going through his collection, picking out one show each week, and writing an extremely in-depth revue on that show. Go there, you'll like it!
"It's A Wonderful Life" ~ Jimmy Stewart For you fans of Jimmy Stewart and the film "It's A Wonderful Life" (and who isn't a fan of both), this is one terrific site to visit. Wonderfully put together by Paul Michals, who describes himself as the "ipad怎么能上国外网站", this site has absolutely everything you could ever want to know about Stewart and his movie. Go see it!!
"Classic Radio Gallery"
What better way to listen to an Old Time Radio program then to listen to it on an Old Time Radio? Merrill Mabbs has put together one fantastic collection of Antique ~ Classic radios. There are countless pictures of classic radios in extremely high resolution ... simply wonderful photography (A representative example is the Atwater Kent picture shown to the right). The condition and detail of these radios are just outstanding. If you have a vintage radio and need to identify what it is, chances are great that you'll find it here. There are also classic radios for sale. In addition, schematics and service information are available at very reasonable prices if you wish to repair your own radio. Watch out though, you may find youself spending hours there :-) Check it out ... you will not be disappointed!
The Internet OTR Digest.
The "Digest" is like a world-wide OTR club delivered right to your email box. A fun and friendly group of OTR fans from the First Timers to the Old Timers. Make new friends, discuss your favorite shows, learn something new. It's all here... and of course it's all free. I personally subscribe to this Roundtable and read the terrific articles and comments posted there every day. From time to time I also join into the conversations. I highly recommend that if you're not a member already, that you Join Today!
Other People's Radio Logs
Thanks for stopping by. You are Visitor Number: I hope you enjoyed your stay, I've certainly enjoyed having you here! |
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